Prototype Mockup

The prototype model makes it possible to get an idea of a project still unknown to the general public or in preview of presentation before production.

It is manufactured for a mainly internal use: presentation of a project to the teams, estimation of the various modifications to bring to it … before being able to present it officially. It also allows you to have the first customer reviews before the launch of the final product.

A model to go from digital to physical

The prototype model is generally designed from an existing digital model, computer data (plans, 3D diagrams …) or physical (drawings, drafts on paper …). It can also be made from an already existing prototype. This type of scale builds a draft project that just needs to be improved before being marketed.

Like all Cub Agency designs, she manufactures them via 3D printers, engraving machines and laser or CNC cutting machines and above all, long hours of manual work.

Examples of prototype mockups

Model prototype tower of the ovh building

OVH – tower prototype

prototype of an autonomous battery charger

Techni Industrie – prototype of autonomous battery charger

Prototype model of a rotor transport

SIGEDI – prototype transport rotor

prototype of the giant capsule Aptalis

Aptalis – giant capsule

Otonohm bogie prototype

Otonohm – bogie prototype

prototype model of the facade of La Grande Épicerie Paris

The big grocery store – façade prototype

They trust us

logo ovh
logo Sigedi
logo Otonohm
logo Techni Industrie
logo Aptalis
logo La Grande Épicerie Paris